The Palace Gardens of Schwetzingen

Join me on a walk through the captivating gardens of Schwetzingen Palace.

The Arboretum in spring-time

The Minerva Temple
The Apollotemple

The Mosque

The Palace Park of Schwetzingen is the only one in Europe that still has its original grounds in the Baroque style.

The disciplined curve of the palace towards the east

begins to relax gradually on both sides of the main axis.

The east-west axis is concluded towards the west by the English Garden.

The greenhouses are situated to the south of the main buildings while the part of the garden with the most cherry blossom trees in the world outside Japan lies to the west of the north-south axis.

It is then a wonderful surprise to come upon the mosque.

If you walk on across one of the many bridges

you will reach the area of the extensive, charming water garden at the back of the park.

There you can see the reflection of the mosque in the water

and then look back at the wonderful view of the palace, about one kilometer away, reflected in the water. In the background you can then see the forested area of the Odenwald where Heidelberg Castle is situated on the slopes above the Neckar River.

The Palace Gardens really do offer the most magical of sights.
In early Spring the fragrance of the viburnum wafts through the park.

In the palace gardens of Schwetzingen nature and culture strike up a strange but beautiful symbiosis.

The greenery is constantly being broken up by statues.

If you walk back through the English Garden north of the main axis in the direction of the palace, you will suddenly come across the Apollo Temple.

Eine der beiden Spinxen, die im Foto oben drüber von der Rückseite wie Löwen wirken.

North of the Apollo Temple lies the bath house.

Unfortunately one is not allowed to take photographs in the bath house. Next to the bath house is an aviary with a delightful trompe d'oeil effect (optical illusion).

This leads on to the arboretum which offers rare trees the conditions they need to develop and is filled with blooms in Spring.

Click here:

The mosque in the palace gardens

Areal view of the Schwetzingen Palace Garden. This is a link to a different German website.